Wednesday, February 1, 2023

 abc please 01/02/2023

A - Accumulate positive experiences. I feel like work is diminishing my ability to get out, as is my time management

B - build mastery in activities that make you feel confident. I am getting ahead on some very important work, but at the cost of not getting my other targets done. Why is it always hard to keep a balance?

C - cope ahead. I think I'm working on this a bit today, I know that when I work hard on something in a single day I have to recover, usually 3 days to rest and then I'm more resilient, it is affected by having too many things to do at once. I was invited to a reception on Thursday but I think I won't go

P - physical illness prevention. I skipped gym but I also decided deliberately to rest my ankle, I need more time to rest my ankle as I've been running too hard on it.

L - low vulnerability to diseases: eating junk didn't help, but planning and being resilient making decisions that are not based on a template, maybe that helps.

E: Exercise regularly. Perhaps tomorrow I can still hit the 5 days a week target. 

A: Avoid mood altering drugs. Failed that one, biscuits, crisps and takeaway - twice today too

S: Sleep healthy - that's quite good at the moment and I am all on track to get things done to actually sleep early

E: Eat healthy (see above)

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