Thursday, February 9, 2023

 Recently I have been fixated on mini targets. Small and achievable things. Some things that aren't so small but achievable and things I want to make routine behaviours. Things that I believe will create self discipline. 

This sounds vague, lets go into what those targets are. I'm trying to cycle 5 miles a day. I'm hoping to reach a net target of 30 miles a week on strava and 50km logged on pokemon go. I'm trying to run an hour a day. I used to do more but My ankle is quite weak at the moment, not so weak that I can't do a good run on 6mph for a full hour. I've gone from having 10500steps my goal to keeping a consistently high heart rate over the treadmill time. This does mean I'm reducing my goals for success but it also means I'm more laser focussed on what my achievable goals are.

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