Saturday, February 6, 2021

 its 7:23

I know someone who is expecting a newborn any time now. A few people have little ones now. Life changes for many of my peers.

Today I'm up. The past few days I've had a routine where I wake up extremely early, borderline 'middle of the night'. I try to stay in bed for the first few hours, then I get up and then face the day in the pretence of an ideal day. 

I visualised a few weeks ago: the idea of an ideal day, a day where I get lots done. It felt impossible back in late december and early January. The skies are turning a bit. Sunrise getting earlier, I am also waking up earlier, at least that's the case for the past few days. I hope to keep this up. I have made a routine lately of cycling at night. I'm cycling during the morning this week, I get my morning grocery shop done and then I go home, start the day. I am exhausted by 7pm but that's okay. I just rest and then eventually sleep by midnight.

Can I imagine for your indulgence, a sketch of the rest of today:

7:27 writing this article

7:40 finish writing this article and thinking how long that took.

7:42-7:50: getting ready to go outside

7:53: on the bike to waitrose

8:15: locking up my bike

8: 23 : I buy the saturday sentinel, maybe i buy the spectator, I buy courgettes, strawberries, mushrooms? some crisps, a stonebake pizza, some lemonade cans (as per my favourite); a huge beef of beef rib.

08:45: cycling around the common, I decided at  0729 not to do this but I spontaneously decide I want to as I'm in the beautiful mild air. 

09:14: getting in home, I fold my bike

09:25: unpacking my bag, I still have my fleece trousers on

09:40: maybe make some coffee, I eat some yum yums perhaps?

09:55: just getting out of the shower, gosh its nearly 10am and I feel like I need to get on

10:03: back at my desk and fully showered etc, I wonder if I could have finished my bike ride earlier 

10:30: deciding (finally) what the plan for the day is. 

(a less realistic and more my hope for the rest of the day)

1100-1300: I read the paper

1300-1500: reading other past papers

1500-2000: clearing non priority tasks

2000-2300: taking a break/feeling tired/didn't get all my chores done

2300- : sleep, I didn't want to but that is just how it ended up. 

Oh, I finished writing this article at 0734. I guess I'm ahead of time?

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