Tuesday, May 5, 2020

I've set a list of things to go over about life in lockdown.


I can't help but notice as time goes on in this pandemic, I get older. My friends get older, my body gets more decrepit and more of my friends are getting on with their lives. I can't help but think, re-think and re process the early 2000s, im getting to the mid 2000s, a touch of late 2000s and a little it of last decade.


I've started playing piano again. It's deceptive. It's bringing back old memories. I'm not sure that's so good a thing.


I'm not losing weight but I'm not gaining it either. I'm not working out. When lockdown eases I am so going to do the gym more often.


Recent 'on this day' markers

2010 - My Brother's debut album went out
2011 - After coming back from the gym, I found out that my piano teacher had died. On reflection it really marked a transition of my life. From one new routine and the ending of the marker of my old life.
2012 - [redacted lol]
2013  - I composed a set of pieces for an Edinburgh fringe show
2014 - Working at commercial legal
2015 - Went to an open day where my former headmaster was a principal of the college
2016 - my last shift on syndication

2018 - I gave a talk at Bristol University

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