Friday, November 21, 2008

Was it my fault?

A question that came to my mind today: was it my fault of what happened to Marie and me?

Did I make my own situation? Should I have acted differently?

I miss not her, but what she represented to me.

Often, men expose a kind of misogyny, a mistrust of women, a "don't put pussy on a pedestal" attitude. It is tempting to feel that way. But it seems men might have this attitude more out of hurt than hatred.I feel that I may never ever feel attached or truly connected with someone In the way htat I can confide in them. I am always hiding something from someone. That is a lonely life.

A further point about misogyny. I have felt that recently, I tried to look at women as object and it failed terribly for two reasons, to see things as objects for consumption cheapens me as a glutton. It cheapens me by greed and the perception of all things as commodities, it would be the same if I treated music in the same way, not as elevated art, but as fun consumption, emotional catharsis.

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