Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Some positives

1. My body looks quite fit, quite masculine, built, but not fat, not medium,  not exactly skinny, but nearly athletic.

2. I'm going to go and see my girlfriend and have sex today. You know, that doesn't seem as exciting as I thought it may have been a year ago; I'm quite ambivalent about sex, well, except when I'm horny, and then I'm pretty excited about one point in sex (namely, the end); but I think I'm low on testosterone today, since....

3. I've got internet access back! yay! I have been celebrating by checking my emails and masturbating furiously

4. The most important positive is this: I am ready to move on from the period in my life of when I did my masters. It was a way up the emotional and social ladder from a very dark place. I am now passable in a social way.

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