Tuesday, July 19, 2022

 ABC Please 19 July

A - accumulate positive experiences: Cycling to work helped 

B - build mastery in activities that make you feel confident - I worked on cleaning my tactical bags

C - cope ahead - i'm not doing so well with that

P - physical illness prevention : its a heatwave red alert, I'm not doing so much beyond trying to survive

L - Low vulnerability to diseases : just trying to stay alive 

E - exercise regularly - cycling to waitrose has been my main for m of activity since Saturday. I did cycle to work and socially to the restaurant on Friday

A - Avoid mood altering drugs. No takeaway sofar

S - sleep healthy - not sure, with the heatwave and such. I slept all through the day 

E - eat healthily - I had *some* veggies on Monday. 

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