Monday, July 11, 2022


My birthday just passed recently. I'm recovering from so many meetings, so many socials, so many things at work, continual sickness, continual recovery from my broken arm, recovery from the exhaustion of cycling over 10 miles in a day. I did some days where I cycled 15+ miles in a day and just under 20 miles in a day. 

On my birhday I was just recovering from everything. Trying to get back on track with my logging and trying to keep organised because there are more things happening that I am able to react to, plan around and prepare ahead for. Anyway I am now just pausing for today and now I'm off for the next few days and instead of celebrating in some conventional sense, I'm trying desperately to get ahead on my goals and tasks and complete things. I think having things to do gives me a sense of purposes but also I desperately need to ... i don't know. Nothings ever enough and yet I'm not achieving enough in life. 

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