Tuesday, March 16, 2021

 my weekly ABC PLEASE

A- Accumulate positive experiences. Is that possible to do at home? I'm doing lots of housework

B - Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident and not helpless. I think if I were able to wake up properly feeling motivated, anything would be possible in the world

C - cope ahead. I'm working on it. I think I'm weak at this right now

P- Physical illness prevention. I think I need to do better. If i cycled harder, got out at a regular time in the morning, and ate better, I'd be in a better state with physical health

L-  Low vulnerability to disease. Keep physically active

E - Exercise regularly. I spent about 5 hours cycling this week

A - Avoid mood altering drugs. I'm just on the lemonades lately

S - Sleep healthy. After I do my admin I'll sleep

E - Eat healthy (see above)

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