Monday, June 18, 2012

deflated thoughts

So, I've cleared up nonvital tasks, caught up on a bit of the news (but always more reading to do in the starred items of GReader). I have gym planned in a moment, which will consist of going to the gym, training and then heading off to the community group meeting.


There was something in a book about procrastination that I found particularly insightful, namely the insight that people feel tired because they are bored, or sit at the idiot box (television) because they are bored. I think that sounds right to me. I lay in bed for about 20-30 mins during the afternoon because I'm bored of what I have to do in order to noticed, because its so long winded and there are so many hoops to jump. What I might do in the next 30 mins or so is prepare future tasks, and look at what needs to be done.

That little asian girl is getting at me, there's something about her that makes me feel repulsed. I do kind of like being a God to her though. The only thing is, Gods don't exist and she's deluded. Eventually she will learn this. Eventually.

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