Sunday, September 17, 2023

 ABC PLEASE - 17/09/2023

A: accumulate positive experiences. I don't think I did too much of that this week. Perhaps the most positive thing is I kept going, I also went outside even when I didn't feel like it

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident. my bodyfat went up and my fitness has gone down, but I've not let that stop me from doing 45 mins on the bik yesterday and the day before at the new cardio equipment in the gym

C: Cope ahead. I'm dealing with that right now

L: Low vulnerability to diseases. I'm trying to deal with resilience

E: Exercise regularly: Regularly enough I suppose...

A: Avoid mood altering drugs: my drug of choice lately are lidl salty snacks

S: Sleep healthy: I think I'm doing this

E: Eat healthy: Lidl 'low calorie' ice cream has been my go-to lately

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