Sunday, September 24, 2023


A: Accumulate positive experiences: It's been a tough few weeks, I facilitated a meeting on Thursday which might have been important to other people

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident: I'm trying to work on indoor cycling goals

C: Cope ahead: prepare and rehearse situations: I think I've gotten better at this in the context of having panic attacks

P : Physical illness prevention : Pass. Panic attacks and weight/bodyfat gain

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: Panic attacks

E: Exercise regularly; I have done 4 days at the gym, 5 days cycling. I've hit my indoor cycling goalds in terms of distance and time (not calories) and I've hit my outdoor cycling goals

A: Avoid mood altering drugs. I got drunk this week, fail

S: Sleep healthy. I think I'm coping. Sleep is disturbed but...I'm not too idle when insomniac

E: Eat healthy: Not sure really. The new API has overestimated my real terms calories

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