Sunday, September 17, 2023

 dear diary

some stuff has happened at work.

i may have lost my job. i'll find out soon. it's not the best situation but it is one of my own creation. I had a major panic episode on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday was recovery. Saturday was my attempt at a normal day. I got v tired after 5pm. 9pm yesterday was this russell brand documentary which was utterly harrowing and depressing. 

Lets focus on the positives. I'm trying very hard not to make a mess of the house and my life. I'm stocking up on groceries. I'm putting stuff away in the bin and not leaving too much of a mess. I serviced my bike yesterday and I waxed my barbour jacket in preparation for the coming autumn. It's still drying up outside. 

Today I hope to firm up a plan for Friday socialising this coming week. today I hope to clear all my non priority tasks. Today I hope to do all the life admin and then maybe think about some nice things to do over the coming weeeks and months. Maybe just maybe if I finish by 7pm I'll get to the gym. the gym has a new suite of cardio equipment and it's really cool. It's integrated to an app so I can log my data on it and it syncs to google fit and all that fancy shit. 

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