Sunday, August 13, 2023

 Sunday 13 August: ABC PLease

A: Accumulate positive experiences - my mind feels like a blank this week on this. I started shadowboxing again. I think its getting exactly to the point last year where I started my rehab and I feel more motivation at the moment than I did in July when I had my panic episodes 

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident: I hit 60 miles on the bike. My weekly goal is 30mi

C: Cope ahead: I'm getting better at this, I spent a lot of the past 3 days writing in chores and such up to week 1 of september

P: Physical illness prevention: so long as I dont hit the gym too hard

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: I've been quite depressed lately I need to be honest

E: Exercise regularly : pass, this is all I'm talking about

A: Avoid mood altering drugs, my main takeaway has been burger king, every time I have BK its because I cycled there. 

S: Sleep healthy: I think I'm good on this

E: Eat healthy: I think this has been better. It could be better. I've done a lot of comfort eating lately.

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