Saturday, March 4, 2023

 March 3. Some serious stuff happening at work at The Sentinel. It will be reported by outside media. 

I'm going through my tabs on Google Keep and some are about wellbeing or therapeutic exercises. So here's one.

Journal your thoughts. Here's one.

Last week on Sunday morning my boiler broke. I had about 5 days without hot water in the house or central heating. It was painfully cold. It eventually was resolved. One way I dealt with the issue was when I would go to the gym I would have a shower after. The joy of showering in the gym. I used to work out with friends but they all got married or moved out of the area. Back in the day we'd work out and shower after together. I miss them but showering on my own in a big open space at 9:30pm when nobody is around is quite therapeutic. There's a moment when I'm on my own and sitting on a bench. I'm alone with my thoughts and I'm literally sans clothes, I've no armour and nothing to shield me from the reality of my own thoughts and feelings. I get dressed, towel off and pack my bag up to leave but in those moments I'm truly alone, not looking at my phone or contacting anyone. Not accessible by email or listening to spotify. I'm just dressing up and aiming to get back to life. For a moment I feel completely free.

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