Sunday, March 5, 2023

 ABC PLEASE  05/03/2023


A: Accumulate positive experiences - on saturday i went to step class and it was fun doing a fitness class with people, people like when i do my special jumps

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident - I've taken up indoor cycling

C: Cope ahead: I'm working on it but I've formalised more specific things as daily goals - like cyling close to 5 miles a day, going for rehab and treadmill/cardoi daily

P: Physical illness prevention: instead of running an hour a day I turn it down to 15-20 mins and that's easier on my ankles 

L: Low vulnerability to diseasese: I'm not sure how I'm dealing with this

E: Exercise regularly : 5 days this week is good right?

A: Avoid mood altering drugs, my narco of choice is smash burger from local shop.

S: Sleep healthy: I think I'm doing this

E: Eat healthy: I'm 103kg atm. Lets say if I'm at 102 next week this will confirm I am in fact eating well

get to 104kg (02/12/2022)

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