Monday, September 19, 2022

 for sunday: 

3 things I'm positive about

  • I got up and focussed on the goals I'd have avoided for later, in so doing I ended up getting them done almost exactly in the time I really needed to do it, were I not to do this I'd have protrastinated and thought about the best strategy and not have done it. Let's talk about what those two tasks are
  • I did the gym today, at the gym I did the following: rehab workout, treadmill and some weights, I did 90kg deadlift today. My last max in the past few weeks was 80. I really had to dig deep inside my mind to find the space to lift heavier than 80kg. I've not properly done deadlifts in this way since before covid, I really feel like I'm back in the gym lately and really doing the effort. It takes time but I feel if I keep it going it's the start of change. 
  • I came to the gym (I'm writing this all backwards) from Waitrose. I decided early on over Sunday that I needed to go to Waitrose really soon. You see, monday is the Queen's funeral and lots of things are closed. Waitrose will be closed notably. It was very busy on Sunday, busier than I've seen it before. I did waitrose before I did gym, which is unusual for me. When I finished shopping I found my broken pokemon go-cha on the floor of the bike parking, that was strange, that aside, i also cycled to the gym with my shopping in the bag and went into the gym. I'm starting to use the gym lockers now, before we used to have to put it on the floor of the carpet in the gym itself, this was a covid era thing and now we are pretending covid is over we move away from that. 
so that's it, my three achievements. I'm trying to work on my self discipine , work on my work life balance and work on my weight, my bodyfat and rehab, I'm trying to work on specific targets and I'm trying to get organised. I've set a lot of work for myself and I don't get it all done. I did however get the above done. 

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