Saturday, September 24, 2022


A: Accumulate positive experiences : I've been v active at the gym lately and really pushing personal boundaries inside myself

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident: I am showing leadership

C: Cope ahead: I'm very weak at this, a lot has been happening over the past few days which has meant more of my effort catching up what's happening and less planning

P: Physical illness prevention: I have not kept to a routine where I go to gym after work, even if I'm tired on the train home

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: I'm trying to lower my weight. I haven't 'gained' any weight but lowered? well if I hit 111.9 I'd say I've lost weight but I'm 112.2

E: Exercise regulaarly : check , don't need to say more on this

A: Avoid mood altering drugs, yeah I guess I've done this well. I've had a few sanpellegrinos though

S: Sleep healthy: I've done this well

E: Eat healthy: I've done this better htan recent weeks so there's that, not perfect but ...yeah I've improved this week.

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