Sunday, September 11, 2022

 ABC Please

A: accumulate positive experiences : I tried fixing my bike on saturday

B: build mastery in activites : getting hands on servicing my bike

C: Cope ahead: I'm trying to plan tasks ahead of time, I'm maybe not so good at this

P: Physical illness prevention. I'm doing rehab at the gym

L : Low vulnerability to diseases : I'm trying to work towards a 200kcal a day deficit

E: Exercise regularly :I did more than 3 days this week, I did 24mi cycling . It's not my 30mi a week goal but's close

A: Avoid mood altering drugs: no alcohol but I had some takeaway and lots of fizzy zero sugar drinks. That's my new drug

S: Sleep healthy: The one thing I am in fact doing very well

E:  eat healthy : Perhaps better thanusual 

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