Wednesday, April 27, 2022


accumulate positive experiences -  i was out socialising on tuesday evening and I was sensitive and empathic and kind and supportive

build mastery in activities that make you feel confident - umm.. I've broken my arm, what counts? typing?, I tied my shoelaces and did up my tie. I think that was difficult enough

Cope Ahead: I'm mtrying this for certain dates ahead of the week

P- physical illness prevention : i'm not doing well at this if I'm honest, i got a bad result on my blood test and recently was called to say i was 'pre-diabetic' if I don't stop my ways

L- low vulnerability to diseases: I walked 10k steps today, does that count?#

E: exercise regularly, normalise walking as exercise as part of an active life

A: Avoid mood altering drugs: i was on pain meds surely I'm temporarily exempt. having said that I need to stop sugary drinks

S Sleep healthy: - perhaps the only thing I've done well 

E: Eat healthy - working on it (see above , im not doing so well)

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