Saturday, April 20, 2024

 Things I did today (Saturday 20 April)

I hit the middle of the 25% zone after oing up to 27% during a panic attack. I'm recovering a bit from the panic attack. I didn't go to the gym today. I decided to sleep in instead of going to the step class and doing early treadmill running. I decided to go to waitrose, then go about 3 miles in another direction to get to Uniqlo. I was meaning to get some more M sized tank tops and I got some M sized pants. I have been recommended to get smaller pants because it helps with my testicle problem. It is seen as a means to help my gender expression to have smaller pants - so that my balls are held up a bit more. 

I also bought some lamb ribs. I am preoccupied with Pizza this week. decided instead to get some lamb ribs tonight. I bought 18 lamb ribs and I only ate about 4 so far. I have put them in my oven to eat for later. I'm thinking about having more meaty/proteiny fast food. I have some boiled broccoli pre-cooked to have with the ribs when I eat it later.  I've lost some weight lately and I realise there's a challenge to keep my weight and bodyfat down. I have set a really high pace of activity and it's my realisation that to keep that body i Have to keep my activity level up.

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