Monday, October 30, 2023

 Comicon bingo (a therapeutic writing exercise)

I've got lots to do and followup this week but here's a fun task to try and get to terms with and write down what happened over MCM weekend which just took place

Things I did

  • Wore a new cosplay#
  • Met a creator in artist alley
  • Made new friends
  • Stayed hydrated
  • Visited the haunted house
  • Got the mobile app
  • Played the treasure hunt + got a free tote bag
  • Got a celebrity photo op
  • Discovered a new fandom
  • Went to a main stage panel

Things I didn't do

  • Played games in side quest
  • Attend a comics panel
  • Attended an anime panel
  • Bought official merch
  • Attended a gaming panel
  • Attended a literary panel
  • Bought a new game or figure
  • Got a celebrity autograph
  • |Got a comic signed
  • Visited Asia stand
  • Attended a cosplay pnnel
  • Visited writers' block
  • Partied at arfter hours
  • Went to centre stage panel

abc please: 1420 30/10/2023

ABC Please: 

A: Accumulate positive experiences, last week I met a friend from last year. she's a friend, a new friend I met IRL only once and we interacted abit on socials, then comicon. comicon was just perfect

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident: I improved in my running/cardio

C: Cope ahead: I'm trying. I need to do my timings. I'm struggling with keeping organised. Having said that I planned this would happen because I oboked today off of work

P: Physical illness prevention: Umm. I'm not sure, I've been very physically active. That's good?

L: Low vulnerability to disearses : I had the flu jab, a few panic attacks, I vomited from nausea over the past few days

E: Exercise regularly: in a word, yes

A: Avoid mood altering drugs. I don't think I had any alcoho. lately. I did have some takeaways

S: Sleep healthy. insomnia has been *manageable* but very present

E: Eat healthy: Could do better. My bodyfat's gone down but my weights' gone up

Monday, October 23, 2023

 ABC Please

A - Accumulate positive experiences: I cycled 30 miles in a day indoors. No lets try again. I saw my brother nad his son and daughter

B - Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident and not helpless: I cycled 30 miles a day indoors. On Sunday I did a big rush to get my chores done

C - Cope ahead. I think I try my best with this but I'm in a difficult one today

P - Physical illness prevention: Rehab is going well

L - Low vulnerability to diseases : I just about kept to my physical activity goals last week. Today (Monday) I'm likely to hit 10 miles in total

E - Exercise regularly: I had a couple of days off last week and I'll explain why. One day was because I had family day, another day was because I got tired after morning physio. not the physio itself but the chores I did after

A - Avoid mood altering drugs: I can't say I've been teetotal but whenever I had a drink I never felt problematic feelings and it was just a sip of the liquer I really like

S - sleep healthy: I think I've been sleeping okay. Wonder how it will be today

E - Eat healthy: not so good at this, a lot of fatty foods

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

ABC Please: 11/10/2023

 ABC Please:

A - accumulate positive experiences: I went to a gig with Chrissy boy. It was so much fun

B - Build mastry in activities that make you feel confident: I went back on treadmill incline and less on indoor bike

C - Cope ahead: I'm spending quite a bit of time on writing in when I expect to be tired and planning ahead of time

P - physical illness prevention: not sure how to answer this: I'm working on my new rehab plan and next session is a week from now

L - low vulnerability to diseases: I think it's been over a week since my last panic that's good?

E - Exercise regularly: I didn't go to the gym yesterday but I went to a gig and I hit 100 heart points from rocking out with my hair and screaming. I love going to gigs it is like a really physical thing for me

A - Avoid mood altering drugs: My drug of choice is morley's chicken

S - Sleep healthy: I think I did okay with this

E - Eat healthily : Definite area of growth and development right now

Sunday, October 8, 2023

 Removing some financial savings goals as I've essentially already achieved it unless some major spending comes through and I make a loss:

  • 63k by end of November (2023)
  • 64k by end of December 2023?
  • 64k by January 2023 (revised goal after big spending in Aug //goal set 25/08/2023)
  • 65k by Feb 2024 (revised goal after big spending in Aug //goal set 25/08/2023)
  • 66k by March 2024 (revised goal after big spending in Aug //goal set 25/08/2023)
  • 67k by April 2024 (Lowball, set 10/07/2023)

Saturday, October 7, 2023

 Therapeutic writing exercise: Ways in which I keep self discipline (5 things)

  • Focus on goals
  • Resist temptation
  • Think about long term
  • Accept that when I work it might not be as good as I want it to be
  • Accept things are problematic in the now and work on it. No head in the sand
  • Accept discomfort

Thursday, October 5, 2023

 ABC Please: 05/10/2023

A: Accumulate positive experiences: I went to the physio, I had an orthopedic phone appointment with a 'Mr'. Also I saw one of my all time favorite bands on Sunday. I'm not really in a good way lately but all things considered I'm pushing forward in other respects

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident and not helpless. I'm on track to hitting 50km on pokemon go today, I'm hopefully on track at hitting 2500kcal indoor cycling goal. I hit 30 miles on the indoor bike and 90 mins. I'm working on building mastery

C: Cope ahead: I've been quite good at planning lately, I've got comicon coming up and that helps me give a sense of focus and have something to look forward to

P: Physiical illness prevention: I'm trying to keep physically active. I'm not eating as well though

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: pass. I think my mental health has made me morevulnerable. I think I'm sleeping better and keeping to good sleep health which a good basis

S: Sleep healthy (see above

E: Eat healthy (see above)