Thursday, December 16, 2021

 ABC Please

I've not done this in a while

A- Accumulate positive experiences

I went on a date, I met family, I met my other family, I saw my blood family, I saw Spiderman last night (AMAZING) and I'll probably watch the matrix next week

B-  Build mastery

Playing Halo? no, I've not really done as much on this. However I have been doing some coding learning which is good and important

C - Cope ahead

I could do better at this. I've been very tired lately and I've not had much space to do planning. I should know by now what my plan is for Christmas but...I haven't 

P - Physical illness prevention

I'm not active lately and I'm definitely not eating very well

L -Low vulnerability to disease

I need to go to hte gym and do less comfort eating. This may subject me to cancers. Considering that Eric's dad died this year I can't ignore the seriousness of this

E - Exercise regularly. 

I went to the gym a couple of times but I missed gym on Tuesday, my important day. I was just too tired on Tuesday. 

A - Avoid mood altering drugs

Diet coke and mcdonalds are my drugs of choice

S - Sleep healthy 

In a strange way I've been sleeping better by just accepting that if I need to sleep early in the evening and later into the late morning/afternoon, I listen to my body. Im sleepign too much which is a sign of depression

E - Eat healhty

I'm not. I need to work better on this

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