Monday, July 27, 2020

dear diary

I've lost my way lately. I've been overeating and my energy levels have been at an all time low.

At work they have announced that there are going to be job losses. There's a chance (although smaller than others) that this will affect my job. It will affect my job title and job description. The company is doing badly in this current economy.

I've been dealing with it by eating more. I've gained 5-6 kg. I need to change my lifestyle around. I need to stop with the pringles and with the takeaways. It doesnt help that I'm forced to stay inside because of the pandemic. I'm feeling very anxious going outside even when it's on the bike. 

I have found some solace in keeping to a routine and some solace in keeping a job. If I lose the job, well its downhill. I find that watching tv helps. watching UFC lately. I've suddenly gotten into UFC. I'm learning to wear the mask in public more. It's difficult to breathe in and it makes my temperature go up when I wear it. I guess i need to get used to it. 

The things I will do before I go to bed tonight: 

  • Finish watching this documentary (Jimmy mccogvern drama) called 'Anthony', very moving
  • Finish non priority schema
  • Finish logging
  • Do a diet plan for the next few days

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