Monday, November 2, 2009

Card shop

I went out to the card shop today. It is a number of notable birthdays this month, so I had decided to get some cards, and go outside for a walk. The last thought in my head was reluctance on account of my injury yesterday. My reluctance was based upon my accidie instead. I managed to go out and walk to the card shop. I had observed that there are a lot of gendered cards. I am not close to my sister, and I am not in a position to make jokes with my dad, being entirely dependent on his money and house and food. I had found cards that do not express too much sentiment that I am likely to give. I decided to give a card of simple sentiment. I don't say 'I love you' to my sister, I've been somewhat physically and emotionally distant to her. My sister and I used to be really close, but that was a very long time ago. I was a ten year old who used to knock on her door, her ideosyncratic response was "entree".

My sister used to inhabit a very small room, it was probably quite oppressive, as I felt oppressed living in that room a decade later. I should now scrawl on the cards and dish them out for birthday purposes. I feel that my motivation is very poor today. I can say that I have done a few things today, but I feel like it isn't enough. I shall continue to strive for today.

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