Friday, December 29, 2023

29 December ABC PLease

 ABC Please



A: Accumulate positive experiences: Yesterday I cycled 11 mmiles

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident: I got back into running after boxing day. It's been a struggle but I am putting the time in regardless

C: Cope ahead: I'm working on it now... not the best at it I don't think

P: Physical illness prevention: I have put on some pounds since Christmas

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: I'm mentally unwell atm

E: Exercise regularly: Two days since boxing day, two workouts

A: Avoid mood altering drugs: no alcohol lately

S: Sleep healthy : 3-4 hours since 11pm is that sleep?

E: Eat healthy: I think I could do better but no alcohol and not too much chocolate considering its Christmas.

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