Friday, February 18, 2022

 A B C P L E A S E

(currently listening to AA Williams song 'Belong')

A: Accumulat positive experiences - I don't have as many of those it feels today. I did meet T in angel, our first date in ages

B: Build mastery in activities - not sure how to interpret this 

C: Cope ahead - Not doing very well at this. I have been writing tasks of things I could be doing but...doing them is a different matter

P: Physical illness prevention. i'm trying to go for a kcal reduction plan. 

L: Low vulnerability to disease. 

E: Exercise regularly - I did a workout yesterday and cycled on Monday. Does that count?

A: Avoid mood altering drugs. I'm very into energy drinks (zero sugar). I had a smoothie that had more sugar in it than an energy drink

S: Sleep healthy - the one thing I'm doing well at

E: Eat healthy. I'm working on it.

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