Thursday, May 27, 2021


 I'm going to skip ABC Please for the moment.

I had the vaccination on Tuesday. It felt like nothing as I had it. After 2-3 hours I thought I was normal and then I went to the gym. i did 2 hours and I think maybe that accelerated the side effects. By 5 hours in I was feeling a really sore arm. By 6-10 hours my arm felt really heavy. By 7-11 hours my body felt really heavy.

Between 11 hours in to about 25 hours in, I was down with exhaustion, my head just couldn't function and I could barely follow a podcast. 

It's 3am and I have the most energy right now. Having said that I'm barely functioning. Im just about catching up on all the things of the past day. I've lost my sense of time. 

I've had no appetite but my parents got me some nice food from Costco. The chicken bake and the hot dog. It was delicious. I also got some snacks just before midnight. I anticipated I'd be up all night (I am) and so I got some provisions to last me the night. 

I am struggling to write more so I might just stop now. I feel like I should be saying something reflective and profound. It's amazing that we've gone from suddenly shutting down society to me going to a football stadium to get vaccinated. Mass vaccinations of this kind seem like something from the 20th century. It's a true wonder of human progress that we've gotten to this. I was thinking about how many people who went in that stadium could have very likely died if they didn't get vaccinated. I could have been one of them.

Oh - I guess that's the profound thing.

There's some other stuff going on at work but I'm struggling to follow everything.

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