Saturday, May 4, 2019

Dear Diary

I felt really rough on Thursday. Actually I've felt rough all week.

I have spent time away from the computer when I got home and just spend the time listening to the radio or watching actual TV (not netflix, not iplayer, not tv shows from the US that aren't out yet), actual TV, well, TIVO.

About 8-9 years ago I really got into watching Deep Space 9. It seems like that cycle has come by to me right now. I bloody love that show!

In my first official week knowing that I've been promoted. I've really been taking to the new role like a duck to water. Getting a promotion and a pay rise basically means I've become someone's bitch and I act like an editor without any of the glory and any of the kudos. Well, a nice lady in her 40s always cheers me on.

I have been giving one of my bosses a lot of shit lately. He's got to make a whole lot of decisions and he's not really around right now. In addition. He's about to get married soon.

Next week one of my colleagues is going to leave. She was working as a casual. I will miss the picture editor. I always felt a connection to her. I dont know how I'll act on her last day. She's mentioned how she won't know how to behave on the last day.

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