ABC Please 31/07/2023
A - Accumulate positive experiences: I strived to keep to my cycling goals even in that one week where it was difficult. I did a best man speech for my best friend's wedding and we performed barbershop and I did a kazoo solo and it was very family friendly and wholesome. I think I'm overperforming on positive experiences but I am really tired since the wedding. Oh yeah I went on a date with Tanner too
B - Build mastery in activities: Does cycling count?
C- Cope ahead. I'm working on this, I think I could do a lot better but its a constant work in progress
P - Physical illness prevention. Except for eating like 5000kcal over this weekend, yeah I'm keeping active
L: Low vulnerability to diseases. I dont' know how to answer that. My dad's going to radiotherapy next month. I don't really think about my health atm
E: Exercise regularly. I think I did 4 days last week. If I can cycle home from work (in the rain) and do an hour in the indoor bike that will be perfect. An hour on a normal bike is also acceptable
S: Sleep healthy: Except for a couple of nights I have been mostly well on this front
E: Eat healthy : see above