Monday, September 27, 2021

 Today I found out a teacher from school died. Not a teacher of mine but he was a teacher for some of my friends.

I've also found out last week that we've been offered a pay rise. 6.1% over the 4% that was offered. Part of that came from pressure in the union. Its been pointed out that some of the people who negotiated that pay rise have no been made redundant and so they won't get to benefit from it.

Okay so lets do my regular task: ABC PLEASE

A: accumulate positive experiences

This Thursday I'm going out to see Bond with my mate

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident

I guess Gym later

C: Cope ahead: prepare and rehearse situations, I'm not so good at that but I try to write in my notebook about how to cope ahead

P: Physical illness prevention

Gym. Need to do more on eating less crap food

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: umm. Not sure 

E: Exercise regularly.

Gym tonight 

A: Avoid mood altering drugs. Does Lasagne and takeaway count? either way need to do less of the latter

S: Sleep healthy, I've actually done good at this lately, so much so I'm actually behind on admin

E: Eat healthy. Need to work on this

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