I have begun to codify a sunday routine.
- Ideally: wake up early for Andrew Marr show
- Cook slow breakfast - eat slowly.
- Ideally: have perculator
- Watch Peston on Sunday - continue eating
- Begin to read papers/catch up
- Start to plan week
- Start to prep for long gym session
- write up in my ledger
- I start realising that I'm running late for my gym session
- Go to gym session
- Pause in gym session (water + banana)
- Gym session (2)
- End of gym ssession and prep for gym classes
- (30 mins prep before gym class) + light workouts
- Two gym classes
- gym classes and overall fitness session for sunday finished (around 1915)
- Go home/get a bite to eat
- Mind is slow/body is tired
- Have a shower (a struggle), tidy up house/light housework
- Do some light work at a very inefficient and slow pace but things I've forgotten to do in the morning
- Go to bed