Sunday, July 3, 2011

rationalising worries

Dear Diary,


I think its fair to say that I've been busy today, partly by choice, largely not so. My sister and brother-in-law came to visit, as they are going on holiday and wanted to greet me before my birthday. I was occupied with a barbeque, but I didn't get drawn into overeating. I ate all in all about 1634kcal  and if I were not to eat any more today that would be an excellent achievement: I resisted gluttony during social eating. That said, my weight hasn't gone down since last week, and that's not a good sign. I'm unfortunately plateaued in weightloss, or rather, I am at a hitch. I need to really be vigilant about my weight loss and I need to be tactical about this. I need to be careful not just of the calories I put in, but also the kind of nutrients they provide. Despite having a protein shake and 2 bananas mixed into it, I am still low in protein and potassium. I need to be really vigilant about food intake.

The next few days are going to be a bit of a stresser, one reason is that I am going to work on Wednesday and Monday, sandwiched between those days is a job interview in Berkshire. I'll also need to plan how I take my supplements on Tuesday if I plan to go to the gym after counselling, which in turn is after I get back to the capital from Berkshire. I need to plan it to get everything right. I need to plan this well, and I have other outstanding tasks on my mind (namely jobs, media project and an upcoming talk). Yesterday I made a list of my worries, now I'm going to make a list of my priorities.


Primary goals

Prep for in interview
Prep for tuesday's events
4x job applications set tomorrow
Fit in work with everything else

Secondary goals

Organise talk notes
Media project - follow up
Training & diet
4x job applications set tomorrow (moved from primary as I was typing this list)

It seems that I still have 8 categories of worry, but now I've schematised them further into preferential categories. Perhaps this seems more manageable. Lets state some positives for today

  • No problems with overindulgence
  • I applied to 2 jobs
  • I started my playlisting task
  • I'm less stressed than yesterday (I have a better belief that I'm going to sort this all out)

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