Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dear Mia,

Dear Diary mia,

Thank you for getting back to me. Your offer is most interesting. Allow me to reiterate what I have understood in order to clarify your offer. As far as I see it, you offer me an oppurtunity to make a distinct and unique statement to reflect the state of affairs around me. Specifically, you wish me to communicate the frustration I have with the inflexibility of the world. I am upset about my aspirations, and the consequent failure to meet to the ideals I have. What you offer is a way to be at one with that authentic feeling that I have, against an overwhelming opposition of fading into mediocrity and compromising on those ideals. What you offer me is a way to stay myself, and hold to what's really important. The way you do this is by purging.

I want to purge because it's the only way to communicate this feeling. That is, at least, how you communicate it to me. Maybe if I follow through with your plan, and other people see what it is doing to me, perhaps they might be convinced to change. The problem is not me, the problem is the world. I can't change the world, but maybe I can change myself, I am considering your offer right now.

Kind regards,

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