Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The last push

Finally, my time in prison is looming to the end. I have almost done my time. Tomorrow will be my last day. Now knowing that, I hope not to be disappointed or frustrated.

Today I'm going to be hunting for more jobs, as I usually do. Perhaps now that I'll be out of this godforsaken place I may reflect on some positives.

1. I've rediscovered the good parts of me:

1.1. I am focused, dedicated, helpful, quiet, non-threatening, amusing, jovial, enthused, calm, dispassionate, stoic, determined.

3. I've rediscovered old parts of me, which I was in need of relearning. I have my motivation back, my drive, and my hope.

4. I have healed slightly from my depressive tendencies

5. I have more capability of coping

6. I have more optimism

7. I have improved my social skills

8. I'm a little less shy talking to girls

9. I've applied to a shitload of jobs, a shitload.

10. Now that its over, I can go back to my jogging, intensify my job hunt at home with the new skills I've learned; and do more work experience/volunteering with the police.

Here's to hoping, because I sincerely want this to get better.

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