Monday, October 5, 2009

The training course

I have gotten a potential new job oppurtunity but it comes at a price. £250 to be exact.

My degree and arts background makes me the ideal candidate for this oppurtunity. There is a job where I work as a consultant and I can work with this company that will train me, or go independent. Either way, i will be trained to work for this certain role that I am qualified to do. The drawback, as said, is that I have to pay a fair bit of money for the course.

Here's the deal: I have about £450 in my bank account and no incoming benefits or anything, as I'm not entitled (yet).  If I keep going to the bloody benefits centre I will hopefulyl start getting paide in at £100 a week. £250 is a big hit out of my account and this doesn't look like the best job in the world, but it is a job, and it is possibly open to me.

I'm at a bit of a quandry. Money is not easy to come by and I have a slight feeling that this might be a scam, or a bad investment. I need money, but I have to spend money to make it? This isn't even a big gain investment. It's a job for £20 an hour for probably one or two sessions a week; sothat's £40 a week? pathetic!

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