Saturday, May 17, 2008


Another thought-sicle for today...

Now I feel less angry, but more upset.

Why can't people accept me?

Why didn't the psychiatrist acknowledge I wrote a paper in a conference and presented it, he kept referring to it as a poster (a poster is in a science conference, where students put forward their work on some boring board where people walk by which is relatively unimportant); a paper by distinction from this is a presentation of my academic work before my peers, and my superiors.

Why don't my family acknowledge academia as a career? Well, lots of reasons, it's not seen as common for ethnic minorities, or among the working class, they think it is a religious vocation, and I'm going to be a priest. They think I am going to cut my hair and end up just like the rest of the human race.

Why won't the doctors who abused me recognise the superiority of philosophy? Why won't the academic world, and the AHRC recognise that what they are doing is wrong and hurting academia and philosophy departments around the country.

Why won't they accept me?

Why don't they approve of me?

Why won't they be my friend?

I feel like purging again...but all I have is coffee inside me, given that I've purged everything out already...

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