Saturday, August 27, 2011

(topless in a friend's kitchen at 5:45 am)

Dear Diary,


I think that today, or yesterday was quite an achievement. My anxiety levels took quite a draining, but that is a thing I must make peace3 with in order to function. I did some driving yesterday, I drove on strange motorways and roundabouts, I managed to get over (a bit) my fear of driving, and to a large extent it was a great achievement personally. Anyway, now that the hard part is completed I am now working on having fun for the rest of the weekend, we got an unbelievably sleek car for rental, a sleek italian sports car which is FRUCKING AWESOME!! I may have looked like a wuss driving at ridiculously low speeds but I will say this: I was a wuss in an alfa romeo.

Anyway, its nearly 6am, and I'm the first one awake today. I have done well to get up so early, I am not even sure that I slept, my only track of determining the extent of my sleep was putting an audiobook on and having no memory of the chapters when I focused on it. Since I'm up early, I could spend the time catching up on internetty things or reading, I am feeling awesome being up awake so early when all the guys were trying to emphasise the importance of getting up, and they are the ones still catching their winks. I'll be on here for as long as my battery lasts. All the same I'm getting back on with few tasks, pass the time and get back on with it.

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