Wednesday, October 13, 2010

List: things that exasperate me

  • Computer with slow ram
  • Knowing that when I get paid in with the JSA tomorrow; I've already lost about £65 of it; £23 is for the disclosure form, £25 is for counselling, and now I've gotten an email informing me that I need to pay my dentist £16.50. Fuck, man.
  • Searching for jobs when you feel utterly hopeless
  • Trying to make yourself appear saleable and talent when you feel totally shit
  • Listening to music that is backward and unimpressive.
  • Despite the fact that I keep telling myself that I'm underachieving, I feel that the more I seem to get done in my day; the more I find that I've set myself. It's like the work I've set in my schedule never ends. Furthermore, I still feel like i've achieved nothing in my life. What is sending a few job applications , searching a half dozen employers, and reading encyclopaedia articles and classical literature doing to make me a better person? Niente! (that's nothing)
  • Sometimes I need to listen to classical music to keep me sane. Sometimes I need to read books with complex and difficult references to books that are equally complex and difficult to understand, in order to feel that I am living in a world worth living for.
I want to jog, but I know that I've got way too much to do today. It's intern day tomorrow so I need to do an extra special amount. Funny enough today was a day where not much was scheduled. However I feel that I must complete even more today to ensure that the rest of my time is cleared up. Keeping organised and scheduled is a nightmare.

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