Monday, September 13, 2010

Writing task

A writing task that I've set myself from a motivational page on wikihow:

Define and describe your goal. Write down when you want to achieve it. Write down the reasons why you want it. Write down what it would feel like after you have achieved it. Figure out exactly what it will take to get it. Be realistic about the time things will take. Many people don't allow themselves enough time, and give up too soon.

Goal: Get a PhD
I want to get it within 6-10 years
I want it because there's nothing else in life that gives me such purpose
I'll feel whole when I get it
It will require the following to obtain

  • Reference letters
  • Enquiries
  • Securing a supervisor
  • Application
  • Application acceptance
  • Funding/money
  • Time
  • Effort
  • Dedication and sacrifices
  • Personal change

I put off that task because I'm afraid of saying it. Now I feel in a rush it seems easy.

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