Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Three things have lifted my mood.

1. After jogging, and doing my arm reps, I felt that exhaustion of using my arms, and I kept a good cardio workout albeit a brief one. I feel that that small gesture (or 30) to building my arm strength is one small step to greater fitness. I did the semi-pull ups with hands over the bar, and hands under the bar. They both use different kinds of muscles to enact. It felt good to feel that burn. I think I need to push the bar concerning the rule of 3. I went up to 10 on each where 8 before was my challenge. Perhaps 5 is too low as a rep. Maybe i'll up it to 8 (rule of 3: 11 max)

2. As I got home I resolved to do one thing: book the counselling appointment. Don't beat about the bush. Just do it. I hope it goes well. It's next monday. I smile because this is a really big effort and really big gesture on my part. I'm accepting help, seeking help, and most importantly, I will hopefully get help from them.

3. Yummy food, and the reminder that I have a job training day/assessment next week. I still have a chance at paid work. Let's hope it goes well. I feel a little guilty to eat, after all I can't lose weight by eating. I'm going to put my food in my calorie log (I've not done that in a while)

I've not been counselling in over 2 years. I hope it goes well. I think I need it. I think I need to get better, before my life gets better. I should also text back hippy girl... i've been too busy.

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