Thursday, September 1, 2022

 ABC Please

A: Accumulate positive experiences - I have been trying to go to the gym as a matter of routine

B: Build mastery in activities - I've got a physio programme

C: Cope ahead - my diaryis filling up with tasks

P: Physical illness preventions - I could do better with calories tbh

L: Low vulnerabiblity to disease - I need to be in less stressful situations

E: Exercise regularly - I've planned 3 days a week and I've achieved this. I've also set a goal for 5mi a day cycling which is more ambitious and less realistic

A: Avoid mood altering drugs - hmm---should I write how many takeaways I do in a week?

S: Sleep healthy - i think this is the one thing I do actually achieve

E: Eat healthy - nope. though this lunch (wednesday) I had some sweetcorn

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