Monday, September 5, 2022

 ABC PLease

A: Accumulate positive experience: I'm working on my Encyclopedia and Rehab

B: Build mastery in activities: As well as rehab I'm working on some gym stuff

C: Cope ahead: I've been writing tasks in my diary for actions ahead of time

P: PHysical illness prevention: I'm trying to eat better ... but did I do well today

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: unsure, I'm under a lot of stress

A: Avoid mood altering drugs : my weakness is zero sugar fizxy drinks, I'm having a dodgy tooth today maybe this is affecting me

E: Exercise regularly : Perhaps the one thing I am doing

S: Sleep healthy : I think I'm doing this okay? I slept all afternoon when my blood sugar was down

E: Eat healthy? Not sure Let's see how my weight is by sunday. I'm down between snday and Monday, but that's just a day.

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