Thursday, August 18, 2022

 ABC PLease - 18th august

A - Accumulate positive epxeriences: I reported something through the company whistleblower system

B - Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident and not helpless: I lifted 45kg at the gym on Wednesday. I went to the gym on Wednesday despite my horrible mood

C - cope ahead: I'm trying to plan ahead in my paper diary

P - physical illness prevention : didn't have a takeaway in a while - or at least the delivery bike kind

L - low vulnerability to diseases: I don't know how to answer that. I called the GP on Wednesday asking to have a physio appt

E: Exercise regularly - see above. I haven't been cycling much but I did manage to do a few gym + waitrose trips. 

A: Avoid mood altering drugs. Well I smoked some cigars, and by cigars I mean...Rocky Patels

E: Eat healthy - I've lost some weight. I'm 112.6kg .I was 115 a couple weeks ago. I guess that's good? what would be super good is if I either keep at 112 or I go down more.

I've got a new ABC list - some of these are really good. I'll try to do them more. For now I'll end this post.

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