Monday, June 22, 2009

Secondary school memories

Wimbledon is on this week and the next. Wimbledon is the one thing that really spells out summer for me. I remember way back from when I was young that it was on the tv. It made me nostalgic for my school days. I thought of this just earlier: back in school, I hated break times or play times. It was a time when the kids fraternised with each other. I wanted to escape that environment. I used to stand or sit in a particular place and just stay there, I may not talk, I would just stay there.. I read a poem in primary school called 'the loner' and it was me. I was the loner.

That title, that name lived with me for so long that I accepted and embraced it. There later came a time when being a loner was 'cool', and I was seen as being a faker because I seemed to try to hard to aspire to being a loner, a later point came, I think it was at the last year of co, the year that I loved so much; when it all changed.

I was no longer a loner for then, I had good friends. I then became a loner again, but this time, in an uncool way; when I started university. But that's another story and probably one I've told this blog many times.

During secondary school I later learned that I did not need to sit outside, I could go to the library. I discovered a new set of friends and I slowly discovered new cliques and learned to join them. There was an alternative to playing some ball game or being a loner or engaging in play time (my favourite games involved star wars/generic sci fi play-alongs).

I discovered a clique, a group that I had friends with. I was half an outsider amoung the library guys, but I suppose in a way, I did have a place where i belonged. I was the library kid. Not that it matters so much anymore.

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