Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mid-early 20s

I got up late today. Probably because the sun wasn't beating terribly on my face as t'wer yesterdee.

I am planning to go back home to  see my parents (my dad has a universal holiday called' fathers' day), which I decided to observe, as I do appreciate and love my dad. I realise that more when I see how my girlfriend's daughter hardly even has a dad. After getting up with little motivation today, I decided to get a few of those important but niggling things done: go through my accounts, buy a tifcket and finish off my review and make a start on that PhD application.

I bought a 'young persons coach card', which weirdly enough is onyl for the National Express, I think I am regretting my decision, as I already get a discount from the Funfare fees, and I also noticed that some of the 'features' of a young persons' card are a little bit redundant, like m-tickets and not being overbooked. Ummm, don't I get those things anyway???

if I were to have automatic insuraince and free m-tickets I might not complain so much, however, it did not really specify any such condition so I cannot make such a claim. On the plus side, I'm covered as a 'young person' until the last month of my 25th year! I bought a 3-year pass. God, I can't believe I'm going to be 25 in like 2 years..... I was like 21 only 2 years ago. I'm mid-early twenties.

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