Sunday, February 13, 2022


A: Accumulate positive experiences - I'm catching up on some deep work

B: Build mastery in activities - I'm working on stuff I've been meaning to, definitely trying to build a notion of myself from the work i'm doing

C: Cope ahead: A lot of what I'm doing is nominally under the pretence of being prepared for the things I am yet to face

P: Physical illness prevention - Perhaps I'm weakest at this

L: Low Vulnerability to diseases - I've been sleeping well, eating *okay*, a few too many energy drinks

E: Exercise regularly, I cycled a bit in my office day. I did a class on saturday. It wasn't that much though

A: Avoid mood altering drugs - my recent drug of choice is a grilled cheese

S: Sleep healthy - Yeah I'm doing this

E: Eat healthy - I've lost/stabilised my weight

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