Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Dear Diary,

I went to sleep too early after work on Monday. I had a half day sick. I was unwell on Monday. I managed to do a very little amount of work. My exhaustion, my low motivation all got the better of me. I think I need to just ride it out when I feel low like that. Just accept it and think about when it gets better.

I woke up just around midnight. I decided I'll just get some stuff done while I still have some lucidity. I went through the pantry for some canned food for a midnight meal. I ate some canned tuna, sweetcorn and I paired it with some salad leftovers on Sunday. It felt unexpectedly healthy as a meal. 

I'm now watching Seinfeld season 3. I'm up late, I'll have some telly on while I get on with things. I seem to be all about watching iconic TV sitcoms nowadays. 

I'll get on with some work now. 

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