Monday, June 5, 2023

ABC Please


I've not done it in a while. It's just over a week since comicon. I'm still recovering from it.

A: Accumulate positive experiences. Comicon was good

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident. I'm doing a lot of activism at the moment, I can't pretend its a small part of my life anymore

C: Cope ahead. About 2 weeks ago I set up a post comicon week routine as I knew I'd be behind. Seems like I'm 2 weeks behind that I didn't prepare for. So coping ahead not my thing

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: is feeling low and exhausted a thing?

E: Exercise regularly, now this is the strong suit. I've been cycling a lot more lately. I hit 84 miles this week and that includes a day not cycling at all. I'm very proud of that. 

S: Seleep healthy: I'm doing okay with this

E: Eat healthy: I'm improving. Maybe I am speaking too soon. My bodyfat is 29.9 and my weight at 104 an that's the highest its been in a few days. I've consistently been at 103 and edging around 30%. I'm hoping to push lower than 29.9. but I have to pedal it on the bike more

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