Monday, May 22, 2023

 ABC Please: 22/05/2023

A: Accumulate positive experiences: I had a nice chat with my new colleague and I am having positive interactions at work for pride month

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident: I have cycled a lot more this week

C: Cope ahead: This is something I'm working on right now to ensure I have a plan for comicon, recovery and prep

P: Physical illness prevention: I am wearing some knee protection and ankle protection during intensive days

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: Sleeping well helps

E: Exercise regularly: check

A: Avoid mood altering drugs: does takeaway and sugary food count? I'm bad at those

S: Sleep healthy: Except for tonight probably I've been good at this

E: Eat healthy: I need to improve on this I think. On sunday and saturday i just needed to eat more.

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